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Throughout the semester we have learned about various religions throughout the world. Below is a paper about Buddhism and The Eight Fold Path, as well as brief summary of what I learned from all the other religions. 

Click here to read about Buddhism (The Eight Fold Path).


World Religion


1. What did you find most interesting about HINDUISM?

Hinduism was one of the most difficult religions for me to understand. I believe that it was hard because it has a very different structure than my religion. One thing that I found the most interesting about Hinduism was the fact that yoga is a major aspect of their religion. They participate in yoga to clear their minds and focus on union within themselves. This practice of yoga has been done for thousands of years. There is not just one style of yoga there are a variety, some including Raja, Jnana, and Karma yoga.

2. What did you find most interesting about BUDDHISM?

I was so excited to learn about Buddhism. I loved learning about the Four Noble Truths, I found them very interesting. The Four Noble Truths are the truth of pain and suffering, The truth of the arising of pain, The truth of the cessation of pain, and the truth of the path to end pain. These were interesting to me because they point out that life is not necessarily going to be easy, but the hardships will end. I felt like the Buddhist faith understand that every happens for a reason. I like that they pay a lot of attention their feelings and being good people.

3. What did you find most interesting about DAOISM?

I love that within the Daoist faith they believe in the cosmic balance, also know as yin and yang. I had always seen the yin and yang symbol but never took the time to research what it meant. Before taking this class, I had no idea Daoism existed, and now I have been able to fit some puzzle pieces together. The yin and yang symbol to the Daoist faith symbolizes that everything has an opposite. For example, male and female, or black and white.

4. What did you find most interesting about CONFUCIANISM?

I thought it was interesting that Confucianism is seen more as a philosophy rather than a religion. I do find their values very useful in life and think that everyone should abide by them. Those who follow Confucians believes focus on being better people and helping those around them. I also found it unique that it was founded by a mortal man who was not seen as a God or supreme being, that is different than most religions.

5. What did you find most interesting about SHINTO?

Shinto is a very popular religion in Japan. I knew that most Eastern places of worship values and worshiped their ancestors. The Shinto faith strong believe in worshiping ancestor but also nature. I found it interesting how much of an influence nature has on the Shinto faith. Nature plays a key aspect of their whole religion.

6. What did you find most interesting about JUDAISM?

I had not realized until this course that Jews only read from the Old Testament. I knew that my beliefs were similar but after coming to the realization that they only read the Old Testament everything made sense. They do not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, and that is why they do not read the New Testament. I found it interesting that those in the Jesus faith see Jesus just as a holy man, but not the Messiah.

What did you find most interesting about CHRISTIANITY?

Being a Christian myself I did not think I would learn a whole lot of new information. I ended up learning some things that I had never really thought about. I knew there were a lot of Christian denominations, but I did not realize just how diverse they were in their beliefs. When answering questions about who Jesus is, I wanted to answer just want I believed, but there are other Christian’s who have a different view as me.

8. What did you find most interesting about ISLAM?

The older I have gotten and the more I have gained knowledge on the Islam faith, the more I realize how similar it is to what I believe as a Christian. I learned that Islam is the second largest growing religion in the world and that blew my mind. I really enjoyed learning about their faith because it helped me gain my own opinion of their beliefs rather than what media want me to believe. I also found the aspect of them all praying toward Mecca very uniting and unique.

9. Overall, what have you personally taken from this class?

This class has taught so much regarding religion and its impact around the world. I learned that although there are different religions, each religion is focused on doing good. I learned that is knowing a little about a variety of religion helps other respect you more and trust you. I would discuss this class with my co-workers, and they began to ask me more about what I believe because they now know that I have knowledge I other religions. I want to continue to learn and experience other religions so I can better understand the lives of those around me.

10. How has this World Religion class impacted your views on world religions?

The News Articles regarding the specific religion we were discusses that week really helps me realize that these religions are real and being practiced today. I have always had a fascination with what others believe and now I feel like I can go into the world with enough knowledge to have conversations about religious view. One of the greatest things I learned is how similar Islam is to Christianity. I was mind blown and am still in shock.

11. Do you think you have become more understanding and tolerant of other religions or have you always been? If so in what ways?

I defiantly have become more understanding of other religious views by taking this class. Because I know the basic of other beliefs, I understand why they do the things they do. I learned that although others may have a different religion than me, we still have the same purpose of helping others and being the best, we can. Religion is not just something you believe in; it is a way of life. My eyes have been open, and now understand that it is okay that other do not believe what I believe, they have had their own spiritual journey.

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