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Interpersonal Communication

Professor Susan Knott

Personal Change Project:

At the end of the semester, I wrote an analysis paper on my goal to be better at not interrupting people while talking to them on the phone. My personal change project explains what I learned and how I grew by applying the terms and strategies of interpersonal communication. If you would like to view my final report click here.

Personal Change Journal:

Throughout the semester we were all challenged to work on a communication skill. The skill I decided to make a goal on was being better at listening to my customers at work, rather than interrupting them on the phone. I thought it was going to be super easy, but it was surprisingly a bit challenging. By pressing here you can view the journal I kept regarding my goal and progress. 

Self Reflection:

The personal change  project and journal helped me understand and apply the material we learned in this class throughout the semester. There were some chapters there were more difficult than others to relate to, but I was always able to find a term that helped me achieve my goal. This assignment taught me the importance of setting goals, staying consistent, and evaluation my progress. I am now better at understanding how to accurately set goals and apply them into my daily life.


I was so able to learn the importance of listening. Listening to others, whether you want to be involved in the conversations or not. Listening shows respect, others begin to trust you, and it will also solve having so many miscommunications. I now think that listening is one of the most important communication skills when working in customer service. My future career is to work in Healthcare Administration, although that isn’t customer service exactly, I will be interacting with other people constantly. I will be more personable and better able to solve other problems. I will do this by showing them I’m involved in what they are saying through active listening.


I overall really enjoyed taking this interpersonal communications class. I learned a lot about relationships, whether it is with a significant other, family, or even a co-worker. I never knew just how complicated communication can be. I learned so many skills and terms that will help me be successful in my future. This classed connected a lot with my humanities class, that I also took this semester. I realized that society is dependent on communication. The reason we have war, or the ways we worship. Creating a great society is founded on good communication. I feel like the principles learned in this class with overall help me in almost every aspect of my life.

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