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English 1010

English 1010 is the introduction into writing when starting a college degree. In this class we learned how to analyze, search, and write many diverse papers. The theme for Ms. Szetela's 6th period English 1010 class was "food." At times it was very difficult but that's what I liked about it most. It pushed me to come better, try harder, and to explore out of my box. English doesn't come easy to me but after taking English 1010, I have learned many new skills that will benefit me later. If you are interested viewing the work done in English 1010, my work is displayed below.

Food Memoir

The Food Memoir is a 4 page paper written about the most memorable and meaningful food eaten in my home. We were asked to consider questions like Who prepares the meal, and where is it served? Why is this meal spcecial to you? After pondering on these questions, It was obvious to mean what to pick. Sunday night popcorn at my Grandparents. It was delicious but also created a tradition that will last forever. If you are interested in reading about my special Sunday popcorn nights click here.



Learning Buffets

At the beginning of the semester we were given a list of food related opportunities to experience and learn about. Each activity selected was called a Learning Buffet; we were required to turn one in every month in-half throughout the semester. The options ranged from cooking a new meals, to attending a food festival, or even reading a food related essay. We were asked to write a 1-2 page reflection on our experience, depending on the activity selected. I loved this assignment because it helped my get out of my comfort zone and try new things. My four Learning Buffet experiences are below, the links are located in the title of the Learning Buffet, hope you enjoy. 

  1. Latin Americano Festival- I had the amazing opportunity to go to an Latin Americano Festival, located in Downtown, Provo. There was lots of booths, and food trucks displaying the Latin American culture. There was great entertainment making for a  fun environment. I loved that I got to not only experience a little part of the Latin American culture, but also try the variety of food offered at the festival. 

  2. The Tasty Noodles-  For Learning Buffet number two, I decided to be a undercover food critic. My friends and I went to Olive Garden and I took on the role of becoming a food critic. It was interesting to sit back and observe the employees, and analyze the food I was given to me. I am happy to say that I would recommend that everyone should eat at Olive garden. The service was great, but the food was even better.

  3. McDonald's- McDonald's isn't famous for having the most healthy fast food in America. I have always been super curious about how many calories are in a Big mac or a large fry at McDonald's. The curiosity lead me to making a info-graphic about the calories in some of the most popular meals offered at McDonald's. The results I found were both surprising and unexpected. Everyone hates on McDonald's but they all know they will still each there when a cheap, fast meal is in need.

  4.  Christmas Morning-  Everyone loves waking up on Christmas Morning, whether its because Santa came or because the once a year breakfast is served. I personalty like both, but Grandmas scones are pretty high up on my list of favorites. Every Christmas my whole extended family goes to my grandparents house to have homemade scones for breakfast. It's easily one of the most favorite meals, even if it means there will be two hours of clean-up. Christmas morning wouldn't be the same without Grandma's scones.


Rhetorical Analaysis

 In English 1010 we learned a lt about analyzing papers, and deciding if the articles we read were a strong source or not. We learned the three rhetorical appeals to help up dissect and study an article. The three rhetorical appeals are: Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. The Rhetorical Analysis was 4-6 page paper discussing the ethos, logos, and pathos in an articlof our choosing. The article I chose was  "How 'Ugly' Fruits and Vegetables Can Help Solve World Hunger".  If you want to read about my annotation of the article, my work is here.

Research Paper

At the end of English 1010, my classmates and I were asked to write a 15 page report about anything of our choosing dealing with food. I chose he topic of how fast food has changed the world. As I began my research I started to become very interesting in the varieties of fast food offer to people everyday. Including vending machines, food trucks, fast food restaurants, and microwavable meals. This assignment really pushed me to my max, and help to expand my knowledge. I wasn't the most enjoyable assignment given in English 1010, but the assignment I'm most proud of.  If you want to learn more click here.

Annotated Bibliography

The Annotated Bibliography is a list of summaries of the sources used in a research paper. I ended up not using my Annotated Bibliography for my research paper, but it helped me practice citing my sources for my research paper. The Annotated Bibliography is a necessary tool when writing any research paper, and I was glad I learned how format it before learning how to write a research paper. Want to view my Annotated Bibliography click here.


In English 1010 we were given the opportunity to record our own podcast. My podcast is titled ¨Fries Before Guys¨. I did my personal review on the top 5 best places to get french fries. I loved this assignment because I could be my complete self and share my opinion. I also loved that I could listen to my classmates podcasts, and enjoy the entertainment.


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