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Marriage & Family

FHS 2400 is a concurrent enrollment class offered at Copper Hills High School. We studied marriage and family, and discussed many topics in the class. We reflected on the units by writing essays about real life situations, dealing with the currant unit. If you are interested in viewing my work, two essays are displayed below. The links are attached to the title of the articles.


What is a Family?-


In FHS 2400, we have learned a lot about different family experiences, and how families work. I decided to write an essay about what others views and definitions of what a family is. I had a great learning experience

while interviewing three couples.


After taking FHS 2400 and writing this essay, my opinion on what a family should be has changed. I now know that not every family is the same, but there can by love and happiness in each family.

Power of Positive Compliments-

I didn't realize how impactful positive compliments were until I wrote this essay. I realized that it doesn't just change my mind set it, it also set a mood for everyone around me.

I enjoyed being able to analyze my life and the lives of the people around me. The words we think and say change everything. Now I can change a flaw I have, and my life will now begin to be happier.

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